Standard SDK是微软用PB帮我们导出的一个SDK,里面包含了微软觉得可以作为“standard”的一些组件。以前的PB里面有一个组件叫standard sdk,选了这个组件之后,就会自动把standard sdk里面所包含的组件都关联进去了。
一般来说,如果开发你自己的程序的时候standard sdk够用,那就直接用standard sdk就可以了。省的装pb了。但是standard sdk有很多缺陷,例如不支持中文,不支持DX等等。如果遇到standard sdk不支持的功能,那就只能自己从pb里面导出了。
When included in a display-based platform, the standard SDK automatically incorporates all associated features into that platform. The following list shows the features that compose the standard SDK:
- AYG Shell
- Authentication Services
- Waveform Audio
- Windows Internet Services (WinInet)
- Gradient Fill Support
- C++ Exception Handling (SEH)
- Active Template Library (ATL)
- Windows Networking API/Redirector
- XML Core Services and Document Object Model
- Printing
- URL Moniker Services
- SOAP Toolkit
- Message Queuing
- LDAP Client
- Object Exchange Protocol
- Component Services (COM and DCOM)