2013年12月23日 星期一

Android 3.2+ Code (Inadvertently?) Preventing Write Access to External Storage

In the past, an app would request the “WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE” permission, which would grant write access to all external storages (user/group “sdcard_rw“). This has apparently been changed to only grant write access to the primary external storage. A second permission has been introduced called “WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE“, which would grant access to the other external storages (user/group “media_rw“).
The problem is, a third party will not actually be granted this permission, only system apps and apps provided by the device manufacturer will normally be granted this permission. There are exceptions, apparently on some devices third party apps will be granted this permission, but according to the AOSP sources, they’re certainly not supposed to.

find /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml, and modify

<permission name=”android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE” >

     <group gid=”sdcard_rw” />

     <group gid=”media_rw” />




platform.xml 在 frameworks\base\data\etc 下面

2013年1月31日 星期四

MAC Mini Ethernet Problem

我的Mac Mini (OS X 10.7.5 ) 最近發現ethernet connection 不通,  查看network
發現一直在 unplugged 跟 unknown state 中切換.
後來找了資料, 在 hardware 連線設定中 關掉 automatic 使用 manual setting
在duplex 中不要用 flow control 跟 energy efficient 就行了
使用 full duplex 沒問題
只要一打開 flow control 跟 energy efficient 就完蛋
但是在 Linux Mint 跟Windows  7 中卻很正常運作